Our pleasure to welcome you to Imagine x Lab that is the best resort to study Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction, Human-Robot Interaction, Virtual Reality, and Arts Technology.
This initial proposal of this lab was incubated in 2011, under the name called "Research Institute of Serious Entertainment (RISE)", which had studied mobile learning, game-based learning, and generic human-computer interaction issues. Since 2014, the new researchers and professors with industrial design and cognitive systems design backgrounds has made the lab evolved into the new name called "Imagine x Lab" In the second epoch (2014 - 2018) , the lab had explored a wider range of interests from Human-Computer Interaction, Cognitive Informatics, Design-driven Innovation, and Virtual Reality.
The Imagine x Lab has offered a new mission, in an age of dissolving boundaries by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cognitive connectionism, bridge multiple disciplines for the greater good with the nascent research methodologies, such as machine learning, deep learning, data analytics, cognitive sciences, and neurosciences.
We welcome inquiries and applications from potential postgraduate students or new researchers with an interest in the AI area (e.g., computational intelligence, machine learning, artificial general intelligence), the Cognitive Science area (e.g., cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, neuro-computing, reasoning, inference, knowledge representation, human intelligence), the Design Science area (e.g., Industrial design, Human-Computer Interaction, Human-Robot Interaction, Human-AI Interaction, Arts Technology).
We hope you carry and develop your great potentials in the Imagine x Lab, in which the world-class researchers and professors are closely working together in a warm & caring tutelage culture.
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